Saturday, 16 March 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi peeeeeeeeeeepppppps XDDDD I'm so excited to tell you guys about my story. WEGEGEGEGE, actually yesterday was my birthday kan. I never thought that I'm gonna get a prank... Unless..... it would be from my roomates. Tapi kannnnnnnnn........... I got THE BIGGEST PRANKED EVER! Since this is my first time celebrating my birthday in a boarding school, I never expected that one whole batch would gimme a prank. I JUST LOVE ALL ASPURIANS OF B3! Love you guys to the maxxxx!

K macam ni ceritanya. Yesterday, only a few of the aspurians wished me a happy birthday. So rasa macam alah apalah sangat birthday aku ni kan. Ok ok. But then the next day, I buat macam biasa. Like nothing gonna be happened. Supposed this morning I lawan futsal, tapi bola takda. So apa lagi. Rutin hari ahad, round maktab sambil mengirup udara segar... Wah segarnya walaupun dekat dengan kuari bom bom hahahaha. Lepastu kan lepastu kan kite borak dengan ain semua buat sajak pasal rumput. Maklum lah kami sebagai rumput lol. Then I went to DS and get some breakfast. Soto? Sedap lah tu hehehehe. 

I went to my room and gossip with hajiqah then bb masuk lepastu gelak lepastu online. Eh banyaknya lepastu hahahaha. Like always. 8.30 am we have a roll call. Tapi kali ni roll call gabung and it was held at B1. Jauh gak jalan sebenarnya. Setelah mendengar nasihat nasihat dan mengambil iktibar dari situ..............Masa nak habis rolll call tu kan, semua f5 kena panggil and 5f tak kena apa apa tau. I was so suspicious and eager to know it tapi tak dapat.

Bila ditanya semua orang taknak jawab...... Okkkkkkkkkkkkk........

Like always.........................  We got a task to clean up the toilets. Okay lepak jap, then pergi toilet cuci semua dah basah lepastu ada OPS BASAH, lagi lah basah! Hehehehe everything went well just now, Alhamdulillah...

And after done with the OPS BASAH, BB asked me to follow her and cleaned up the ground floor. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa di sinilah bermulanya cerita saya!

At first, I felt like something gonna happen. Tapi taktau apa. I pun buat macam takda benda dengan relaxnya turun bawah. Wah muka bangga lah konon. All of sudden, Nab datang simbah air. And I was like wth weehhhh?!!!!!!!!! What's happening? I saw Ika Bahar came towards me........ Baling air lagi. Haa masatu macam dah jadi orang buta gak ah sebenarnya. Sorang sorang datang balik belon berisikan air nescafe, pelbagai warna. Memang lencun gak ah aku sebenarnya. I was screaming air dari atas pulak sampai omg. lagi lah dah takleh nak buat apa. Serah diri, yang part paling aku terharu ialaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Semua nyanyi a birthday song for me! Ya allah time tu rasa nak nangis pun ada. Tapi dah terkejut nak buat macam manaaaaaaaaa. Hahahaha I'm so happppppyyyyyyyy to the max and rasa sangat dihargaiiiii..............................................!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys, I just love you guyssssssssssssssssssssssss! Thank you, and you guys really made my day. This would be my happiest day of my life and thank you, thank you, and a big thank you! This would be my final year and the best memories ever in my life. I REALLY APPRECIATED IT THANK YOU! LOVE YOU GUYS TO THE MAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX



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