Assalamualaikum :) and Hi :(
Sorry for not updating my blog for such a long time :) Hmmm, today's entry is about someone that I admirer. Oh well, I can't mention his name. FULLSTOP. :) I hope he reads this entry.
Toooo someone that I loved :) :)
Yesterday was the most BAD day I ever had. :( I was chased by A MAN. I don't know anything about him, seriously! OMG, I was really scared to death! *hanya Allah sahaja yg tahu :( Then I texted him. I told him everything about it. *AWAK, TADI KITE KENE KEJAR DGN SOMEONE. KITE TAKUT GILA!
then he replied *KALAU DIE KEJAR, CALL OR JERIT JE NAME SAYA KAY?' . Okay, now I didn't feel scared like before. Thank GOD :)
About 6.15 p.m..
I went to BAZAAR RAMADHAN near my house. Okay fine, a bit far away. But I walked till there! Hmmmmmmm, enuf. There, me and syera walked and looked for something to eat. Oh well, nothing special there. SERIOUSLY! After a few rounds we had walked, finally we found a stall! DAMN, so hard to find FOOD!. ERGHHHH! We told the makcik there what we wanted to eat :) *BEREJAM KITEORANG TUNGGU! NAK BERJANGGUT PUN ADE. We waited and waited and waited. Hmmm, yeahhhh. *PACIK WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW!!!!!!!!! WE WERE LATE FOR TUITION!!!
Our food has done! Wheeee. But the time was already 6.45! DAMN! Pacik ni dah mcm hawau! Lembab betul. Huhhhhhh! While then, someone had came. He called me. *MOK, KAT MANA, SAYA DAH SAMPAI. Then I replied *KAT MANA? AREA? TAK NAMPAK. Then, I continued walking till I bumped into him. *SENYUM, TUNJUK PEACE LAGI. HOHO. Okay, I went to meet him. I saw something weird on him actually. but I can't tell it :) Hmm, actually I don't like that THING. But, we're just a FRIEND right? So, I just can smile. And I told this too *CANTIK thing TU. :) Die dah lain mcm. Hmmm, daah. Sambung cerita :) I walked with him about halfway. Then he went to buy his food. I have to go back! I was in hurry that time because I was late for TUITION! *TAPI TAK PEGI JUGAK, HAHA. Then I texted him until the night came :) Well, he said he was busy doing something for his KAMPUNG. Oh well, OKAY LAH KAN.
About 9.30 something. Someone told me about him. He/She said that someone that I admirer was a BAHAD PERSON! Hanya Allah sahaja yg tahu perasaan aku mase tu. Yaa, I know he's a BAHAD GUY. But you can't judge HIM by his cover. Itu bende dulu kan. Die dah tak buat lagi. The worst thing that I've heard when HE/SHE told me that he had a GF. Okay, that makes me feel depressed! It's not about he had a GF, but I can't accepted when he lied to me! I can't! Then, I asked abang to call me. Because I felt suspicious about it. Hmmmm. Abang told me the same thing. *TAPI BENDE TU DULU LAH! DIE DAH TAK BUAT LAGI! ENOUGH LAH TU KUTUK DIE! I cried. I cried because of someone. This is the first time I cried because oh you. THEN, orang tu pulak BACK-UP BF sendiri. Hmmm. Biarlah die kan. I can't say anything about them. I just can SMILE. (KAU TAK TAHU APE YG AKU RASA) Hmmmmm :( :( Time tu juga aku dah mabuk. Perut dah mula sakit. MYGAUD! So I have to take one of this things.
I hate to take this. But I have to.
Hmmmm. Until now I felt depressed :( :(
I need someone to hug me. Be my shoulder when I cry. I need you.
Thanks for being my friend for 5 years and 8 months.
To the person that I admirer :)
This how I feel now.
Hear this.
I like you, seriously.
I hope this would be end soon.
Sincerely, MISTER A..
I love you. I hope I'll forget you one day.
LOVE, ccaameer.